

Tonight's movie selection was Lipstick and Dynamite. A documentary of the girls of wrestling, back when it started, in the 40's and 50's. These ladies were all tough ass kickers, but it seems just as often life dished it right back. It's got your general documentary format of old footage, commentary by and interviews with the remaining ladies, so it's really the subject matter that makes this film great. It's something I never knew about, and certianly probably will never come close to experiencing. It's pretty inspiring for me to see that these women are still talking, walking and sometimes fighting after seeing some of the brutal hits they took...and gave. They get to talk about how and why they got into wrestling, what roles they played in the wrestling world, and what came of their lives afterwards. It is a combination of inspiring, sad, and jaw dropping that makes me say...Thank you, thank you first ladies of wrestling, you kicked ass, and we are all the better for it.

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