Hatelove, it sounds fun, like sexhurt. It's not. It's the one wave on the otherwise placid slack plain. Even if you've successfully managed complete and total slack, if you are smart enough, you will still feel hatelove. It's knowing that while you may have managed your life in such a way that most everything within your sphere of influence and knowledge pleases you, EVERY OTHER FUCKING THING IN THE WORLD COMPLETELY SUCKS BALLS! Great, I know lots of smart, funny and free thinking people, but does that really matter when the majority of people are unthinking, dull, asshatted NORMALS? Awesome! I live in America, where everyone has the freedom to do anything they want, but does that really matter when in all actuality our every movement and action in life is controlled by fear, ignorance, slavish obedience, or some hellish combination of the three?
But if everyone was smart, funny, and free thinking, who would be left as the point of reference for stupidity, humorlessness, and thoughtless enslavement to authority?
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