
Kid's birthday update...and thoughts on friendship.

Seriously, I am dumb. I thought for sure that I could go to a birthday party for a friends 3 year old because I was positive that it was actually an adult party with an awesome race car cake and as a result the adult guests would be acting like...ADULTS, like me. Wrong! But more about that later...first, the review:

The children were remarkably well behaved. The food was awesome, and adult!! Sushi and delicious salads, with not a chicken finger in sight! I felt I was remarkably tolerant and helpful (ooh, my arm hurts from patting myself on the back). In an fuzzy alcohol buzz, I even offered to wrangle toddlers so their parents could eat sitting down, which is always fun. I like kids well enough, it just bugs me that people have them without thinking about all the work that should be done.

For some reason, that just opened the bingo floodgates from an unexpected source, a friend who has no children, is single and whose life is consumed by a corporate job where she is currently training people to train the overseas workers who will be replacing them. I'd add here I've never told her my thoughts on how evil and inhuman I feel her current assignment is, and she knows exactly how I feel about children. It's why she's the babysitter for this kid while I'm out seeing bands in bars with the kids parents.
"Pretty soon you guys will be doing this"
"Oh, you'll change your mind"
"I bet"
"No, seriously, I won't because I know if I do I'll end up dead or in a mental hospital."

But a special surprise from the parents of the kid whose birthday it was, I received only understanding and thanks.
"You were great with the kids"
"No worries, they were cool"
"Well, you kept them busy, and out of trouble"
"No problems, thanks for hosting this fantastic party"
"You're welcome. It's always good to give them back isn't it?"
"Yes indeed it is!"

To be honest, I know I would make a good parent, I enjoy teaching and I have alot of patience and knowledge about what kids need. However, as someone who has thought alot about this topic, I know I would also be a shitty parent because my anxiety would cause me to worry myself into a mental institution, if I had to it alone for any reason the depression would cause me to kill myself, and I would have to give up everything I enjoy to home school because I believe the only thing schools do now is destroy individuality and strangeness. Oh, and I have no hope for the future getting any better, so the guilt of bringing another human into that situation would destroy me. Camps folks...camps is where we're all headed.

What I do intensly dislike is people assuming I don't know my own mind at my advanced age. In the above mentioned group of friends, I am one of the older ones by at least a couple years and they know full well my lifestyle, opinions and habits. I consider their assertations that I will "change my mind" to be quite condesending and disrespectful. Certianly not how friends treat eachother in my world, which is why I guess I consider this group of folks not actually "my" friends. They went to college with my betrothed, moved here around the same time he did, and well...I've just always thought of them as "his" friends. In my world, with my friends (who are generally older than me), when someone makes a statement about their personal choices to me, if I don't agree I try to say "Well that's your choice, I respect it" and shut up about it, unless I feel they're being dangerously unsafe in which case I'll try to help them figure out how to be safer (if they want to stop, that's their decision). I feel it's the adult thing to do with other adults who are free to make their own choices in life. Apparently when you are engaged to be married, in the upper decks of 30 and are at a children's party where most of the guests are a couple years younger than you, all bets are off.

Needless to say, I am both giddy and dreading the upcoming nuptuals. From all I've seen, that becomes an invitation for a free dinner, some dancing, and to delve into the personal lives of the newlyweds. Should that life not fit the LifeScript(tm) of corporate job, marriage, house, kids, minivan, disney world and all that happy crappy, then they whip out the conversion techniques and bingos. I always get into it with my bethrothed as I tend to not just let sleeping dogs lie in terms of my
(un)reproductive choices, and he says I could just say "no" and leave it at that. The problem is, that when I do say "no" they say "oh you'll change your mind" and then I get pissed and let them know the most horrifying possibilites I can fathom as a result in a vain attempt to Shut Them Up on the topic For Good.

Oh well...at least I'm on the right track for a pattern for the wedding dress...and no it's not going to be WHITE and no it's not going to be strapless and no it's not going to be an "I'm the princess" taffeta and satin nightmare that costs as much as my car. Fuck all that bullshit!

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