
I am allowed one celebrity

My boyfriend and I have an understanding. If you have the chance to have sex with your "One Celebrity Lay" (OCL), you get to without guilt or getting any hassle from the other. His is Kim Deal. I'm more fickle or slutty. In the past I've had on my list: The Rock, Jason Schwartzman, Vin Diesel, Johnny Depp, Jack Black, Brad Pitt (what was I thinking?!), Jack White(master of the 3rd White Stripe)...however, they are all dead to me now. My new OCL forever is....
Mr. Demetri Martin.

Sir, I want to make sweet love to you, in whatever way you find pleasing, for one night, or however long you feel like it. I'm not a very attractive woman when covered in blood, but clean me off and I'm fairly adequate. Due to the nature of my work, I have access to a wide variety of condoms and sensual lubricants, so that shouldn't be a worry. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

pphhhhhhaha! a good one :)
but honestly.. that OCL thing is so stupid and even a bit insulting.. i hope most people don't take it seriously. that explains why girls offer me one night stands all the time :)

Feh23 said...

Well, that's your opinion.
However, I still say the OCL is a fine idea. If the chance came up where my boyfriend would have the opportunity to

Feh23 said...

oh....here I am again.
Anyway, if the situation were such that my boyfriend was going to have sex with his guitar idol, who sings like an angel, whose work he's enjoyed for decades now, and is cute as a button to boot, why would I deny him that? Chances are it'd be a one night stand that wouldn't be replicated, if the situation should arise.
I mean it's not like our understanding involves a lack of consent on the part of anyone. We live in the MIDWESTERN U.S. for chrissakes, our chances of meeting our OCL are just about near...umm...adding...oh yeah. Nil. Nada. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

Anonymous said...

maybe it's because i live in a small country (Israel) where meeting almost all celebrities is almost unavoidable... or maybe it's that Hollywood did too good a job on my brain with those romantic movie crap... but this OCL seems to me like a disaster waiting to happen more than a purely theoretical harmless play... but i guess i'm just too old fashioned.. damn you "Princess Bride" producers!!!

Feh23 said...

Yes, it is extremely rare for someone in my position to meet the celebrities I'd want to have intimate relations with. And you shouldn't listen to what Hollywood says, they don't know enough about you to advise.