
What happened to our fantastic future?

First, never check out a DVD from the library if you are planning on actually watching it. If you need a shiny drink coaster, fine. If you want to watch it, don't bother. It will not play all the way through. At least that's been my experience.

Last night I almost experienced the film, 2001, in its entirety. I've never made it past the monkeys before last night, but with the help of my understanding boyfriend, we made it an hour in...before the library DVD became totally unwatchable due to skips and stalls. From what I understand (yes I could research, but I'm lazy) this film was made in 1968, and I'm guessing Kubrik was hoping that things in the year 2001 would actually be like the film. Wow. Not. Fucking. Close.

What ever happened to actually looking forward to the future? Nearly everyone I know is filled with a constant sense of dread and unease about what is going to happen next. Maybe it's just the current administration, but I don't think so. I think it's more likely the result of the demonization of the future in the popular culture. Where there is no more GLORIOUS FUTURE WORLD OF TOMORROW (GFWOT), regular folks don't have anything to look forward to or strive toward. From the space shows I've seen recently, there are no new inventions, no newer better developments, people don't treat eachother any better. Instead things are a complete polluted, distopic, rude, horrible, overpopulated hell on a dessicated earth. Now, if that's the only vision of the future you get to see, why the hell would you want to look forward to it?

Okay, well...that's about all I can say about that now. I have no more attention for tapping on this monkey board.


I am allowed one celebrity

My boyfriend and I have an understanding. If you have the chance to have sex with your "One Celebrity Lay" (OCL), you get to without guilt or getting any hassle from the other. His is Kim Deal. I'm more fickle or slutty. In the past I've had on my list: The Rock, Jason Schwartzman, Vin Diesel, Johnny Depp, Jack Black, Brad Pitt (what was I thinking?!), Jack White(master of the 3rd White Stripe)...however, they are all dead to me now. My new OCL forever is....
Mr. Demetri Martin.

Sir, I want to make sweet love to you, in whatever way you find pleasing, for one night, or however long you feel like it. I'm not a very attractive woman when covered in blood, but clean me off and I'm fairly adequate. Due to the nature of my work, I have access to a wide variety of condoms and sensual lubricants, so that shouldn't be a worry. Thank you.


If you want to race the devil...

you'd better be fast as hell!
That's the tagline from this Monday's fabulous selection, Race With The Devil, starring Peter Fonda, Warren Oates, Loretta Swit and Lara Parker. First, lets start with my critique of each individual lead in this movie..
Peter Fonda? High as a lord.
Warren Oates? Drunk, but can act sober at times.
Loretta Swit? She called this one in, seriously, she couldn't have ACTED more bored, and was seemingly disgusted by Warren, who played her husband.
Lara Parker? Brilliant, as soon as things got freaky, she was completely in her element, she wasn't just ACTING afraid, she WAS terrified!

We started into the film expecting to barely be entertained by it, and were busily entertaining our selves with snarky comments when it surprisingly became an engaging and creepy thriller involving Satanists stalking the RV-ers who witnessed and reported their murderous ritual. The director did a great job building the suspicion and fear with barely any gore and without much direct interaction between the pursued, and the pursuers...or is there?? That's the mystery really, who should these people trust in this strange part of Texas? For most folks, the highlight of the film would have to involve the (at least) 20 minute RV chase at the end, which was indeed spectacular. My personal highlight is when Lara (playing P.Fonda's wife), is swimming at the pool in the RV park, and comes to the realization that perhaps things at the RV park aren't as safe as they seem. Definetly an underrated movie that certian horror directors should really learn a lesson from. You don't need gallons of blood, gore and graphic depictions of human torture to make a truely scary movie...you need to be clever enough to be able to create an atmosphere of creepyness, where everything is just wrong enough.